Coins of Roman Egypt
Greek DatesBibliographyDenominationsRegnal Years



Revised 01.14.03 - 75 new entries.

This bibliography was prepared by Keith Emmett, author of
Alexandrian Coins
, however, any errors appearing are my own.

Books and Articles

Some items are taken from Christiansen (1988), Savio (1997) and Skowronek (1967). Additional books and articles can be found in these references.

Arigoni, Honorius
Numismata quaedam cujuscunque formae et metalli musei Honorii Arigoni, Travisii, sumptibus auctoris 1741, 1744, 1745, et 1759

Babelon, Jean
Catalogue de la Collection de Luynes. Monnaies Grecques IV. Syrie, Égypte, Cyrénaïque, Maurétanie, Zeugitane, Numidie. Paris 1936.

Bakhoum, Soheir Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. France 4. Département des Monnaies Médailles et Antiques. Alexandrie I. Auguste - Trajan. Zürich 1998.

Banduri, Anselmus Numismata Imperatorum romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palaelogos Augustos, Lutetiae, 1718, tomi II

Baratte, François "Un trésor de tétradrachmes Néroniens provenant de Médamoud (Égypte)". Revue Numismatique 6.sér. 16.1974, pp. 81-94 and pls. VIII-X

Belázs, Kapossy Münzen im Bernischen Historischen Museum. Schweizerische Numismatische Rundshau. (Revue Suisse de Numismatique). Bern. 45.1966, pp. 51-113+pls. I-VII.

Bell, H. Idris
"Roman Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian", Chronique d'Égypte 13.1938, pp. 347-363

Bell, H. Idris Egypt from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest. Oxford 1948

Bell, H. Idris "The Economic Crisis in Egypt under Nero". Journal of Roman Studies 28.1938, pp. 1-8

van Berchem, Denis "L'annone militaire dans L'Empire romain au IIIe siecle". Mémoires de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France 80.1937, pp. 117-202.

Bernardi, Guilio (ed.) Catalogo Completo della Collezione Dattari. Numi Augg. Alexandrini. 323 Tavole con l'aggiunta di oltre 7000 monete rispetto al catalogo del 1901. Guilio Bernardi. Trieste 1999.

Blum, G. "Numismatique d'Antinoos." Journal International d'Archeologie Numismatique XVI (1914), pp. 33-70

Boinet, A. Dictionnaire géographique de l'Égypte. Le Cairo 1899

Bonneau, Danielle Le fisc et le Nil. Incidences des irrégularités de la crue du Nil sur la fiscalité foncière dans l'Égypte grecque et romaine. Paris 1972

Bonneau, Danielle
Le Régime administratif de l'eau du Nil dans l'Égypte grecque, romaine & byzantine. Leiden, New York, Köln 1993

Bonneau, Danielle La Crue du Nil, divinité égyptienne à travers mille ans d'histoire. Paris 1964

Bonneau, Danielle
"Utilisation des documents papyrologiques, numismatiques et épigraphiques pour la détermination de la qualité de la crue du Nil, chaque année de l'époque gréco-romaine". Atti dell'XI Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia Milano 2-8 settembre 1965. Milan 1966

Botti, G. Le monete alessandrine da El-Hibeh nel Museo egizio di Firenze. Aegyptus. Revista italiana di egittologia e di papirilogia milano. 35.1955, pp. 245-274+pls. I-XII.

Breccia, Evaristo Un ripostiglio di monete imperiale alessandrie. Bulletin de la Société d'archéologie d'Alexandrie. Alexandrie. XVII.1919; pp. 230-251.

Brunt, P. A. "The Administrators of Roman Egypt". Journal of Roman Studies 65.1975, pp. 124-147

Bureth, Paul Les Titulatures impériales dans les papyrus, les ostraca et les inscriptions d'Égypte (30 a.C - 284 p.C.). Bruxelles 1964

Burnett, Andrew and Craddock, Paul "The Minting of Egyptian Tetradrachms under Severus Alexander." American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 28 (1983), 109-118

Burnett, Andrew and Amandry, Michel and Ripollès, Pere Paul Roman Provincial Coinage. Volume 1. From the death of Caesar to the death of Vitellius (44 B.C. - A.D. 69). Part 1: Introduction and catalogue. Part II: Indices and Plates. London and Paris. 1992

Burnett, Andrew and Amandry, Michel and Carradice, Ian Roman Provincial Coinage. Volume 2. From Vespasian to Domitian (A.D. 69 - 96). Part 1: Introduction and catalogue. Part II: Indices and Plates. London and Paris. 1999

Carlson, Carl W. A. "Rarities I", Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics. SAN Vol. IV No. 1 1972-1973, pp. 3-4,11

Carlson, Carl W. A. "Judgment of Paris Drachmae Additions and Corrections", Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics. SAN Vol. VI No. 3 Spring 1975, pp. 40-42

Carlson, Carl W. A. "Pictorial Coin Types of Roman Egypt," Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics. SAN Vol. VI No. 2 (1974-1975), pp. 24-25

Carlson, Carl W. A. "The Zodiac Series Revisited," Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics. SAN Vol. V No. 3 (1973-1974), pp. 49-50

Carlson, Carl W. A. "Rarities 4 -- The Labors of Hercules Series," Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics. SAN Vol. IV No. 4 (1972-1973), pp. 63-66

Carlson, Carl W. A. "Rarities 3 -- The Zodiac Series," Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics. SAN Vol. IV No. 3 (1972-1973), pp. 46-48,53

Carlson, Carl W. A. "Judgment of Paris on Drachmae of Roman Egypt," Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics. SAN Vol. V No. 4 (1973-1974), pp.

Carrie, Jean-Michel "Le rôle économique de l'armée dans L'Égypte" Armées et fiscalité, pp. 372-391

Cesaretti, Maria Pia "Nerone in Egitto". Aegyptus 64. 1984, pp. 3-25

China, Henri "Les Rares Monnaies 'Alexandrines' de l'empereur Macrin et de son fils Diaduménien." Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie. 109 (1963), 5-10.

Christiansen, Erik and Kromann, Anne Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals. Danish National Museum. Part 41: Alexandria - Cyrenaica. Copenhagen 1974.

Christiansen, Erik "On denari and other Coin-Terms in the Papyri." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 54 (1984), 271-299

Christiansen, Erik
"On Denari and other Coin-Terms in the Papyri", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 54 (1984), pp. 271-299

Christiansen, Erik
"From Zoëga to the Present Day. The Roman Coins of Alexandria in 200 years of Research", Aksel Damsgaard-Madsen. Studies in Ancient History and Numismatics presented to Rudi Thompsen, Aaron 1988, pp. 232-242

Christiansen, Erik The Roman Coins of Alexandria. Aarhus University Press 1988.

Christiansen, Erik Coins of Alexandria and the Nomes. A Supplement to the British Museum Catalogue, edited by Virginia M. Hewitt and Martin Jessop Price. (British Museum Occasional Paper 77). London 1991.

Christiansen, Erik "The Alexandrian Coins before Zoëga", Florilegium Numismaticum. Studia in honorem U. Westermark, Stockholm 1992, pp. 111-118

Christiansen, Erik "Nero's Alexandrian Coins Revisited", XAPAKTHP, Athenai 1996, pp. 92-96

Condamin, Jeanne and Guey, J. and Picon, M. "Dosage d'oxygène par activation neutronique dans un lot de quatorze tétradrachmes alexandrins". Bulletin de la Société française de numismatique 28.1973, pp. 343-345

Curtis, James W. The Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt. Chicago 1957. Second edition: 1969.

Curtis, James W. Coinage of Roman Egypt - A Survey. The American Numismatic Society 1956.

Dattari, Giovanni "'' sulle monete alessandrine." Atti italiana di numismatica e scienze storiche. Roma 1903, VI Sezione numismatica. Roma 1904, 201-207

Dattari, Giovanni "Sur l'époque où furent frappées en Égypte les premières monnaies de la Réforme de Dioclétian." Revue numismatique ser. 4/8 (1904), 394-399

Dattari, Giovanni Monete Imperiali Greche. Numi Augg. Alexandrini. Catalogo della Collezione G. Dattari. Compilato dal Propietario. Cairo 1901.

Dattari, Giovanni "Appunti di Numismatica Alessandrina." Revista Italiana di Numismatica e Scienze Affini.
xiii (1900) 267-285, 375-393.
xiv (1901) 157-183, 263-275, 361-382.
xv (1902) 19-39, 291-317, 407-438.
xvi (1903) 11-35, 263-327.
xvii (1904) 465-475.

Dattari, Giovanni
"Dell'affinità delle monete di restuzione e le monete dei nomi d'Egitto." Journal International d'Archeologie Numismatique V (1902), 71-92

Dattari, Giovanni "Tre differenti teorie sull'origini delle monete dei nomi dell'antico Egitto." Journal International d'Archeologie Numismatique VII (1904), 177-202

Dattari, Giovanni
"Esame critico circa una nouva teoria sulla monetazione Alessandrine di Augusto". Revista Italiana di Numismatica e Scienze Affini 17.1904, pp. 153-168

Dauwe, R. B. F.
"Counterfeiting in Roman Egypt", Oudheidkundige medelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 62.1981, pp. 23-25 and pl. 8

Dutilh, E. D. J. "Des divinités et les signes astronomiques sur les monnaies alexandrines." Bulletin de l'Institut de l'Égypte, VI (1895), 57-66

Dutilh, E. D. J. "Notes sur les médailles des nomes de l'Égypte romaine." Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie LIX (1903), 5-10 and 127-144

Dutilh, E. D. J. "Signification des couronnes et des palms sur les monnaies alexandrines." Bulletin de l'Institut de l'Égypte, V (1894), 263-266

Dutilh, E. D. J.
"Études Alexandrines." Journal International d'Archeologie Numismatique, Athenes. 1.1898, pp. 433-442

Eckhel, Joseph H. Doctrina numorum veterum conscripta. Pars I, vol. IV. Vindobona 1794

Eckhel, Joseph H. Catalogus musei Caesarei Vindobonensis Numorum veterum distributus in partes II, quarum prior monetam urbium populorum, regum, altera Romanorum complectitur. Vindobonae 1779

Emmett, Keith Alexandrian Coins. Lodi 2001
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Fabretti, A., Rossi, F. and Lanzone, R. V. Regio Museo di Torino. Monete Greche (Ministero della pubblica istruzione: Catalogo generale dei Musei di Antichità. Ser. 1 vol. III). Torino 1883.

Fink, Robert O.
Roman Military Records on Papyrus. Cleveland 1971

Feuardent, Felix Collections Giovanni di Demetrio. Numismatique. Égypte ancienne. II. Domination romaine. Paris 1872.

Fiorelli, Guiseppe Catalogo del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Collezione Santangelo. Monete Greche. Napoli 1866

Fiorelli, Guiseppe Catalogo del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Medagliere I. Monete Greche. Napoli 1870

Foraboschi, Danielle and Gara, Alessandra
"Il rapporto dracma-argento nell'Egitto Romano". Chronique d'Égypte 50.1976, pp. 169-177

Förschner, Gisela Die Münzen der Römischen Kaiser in Alexandrien. Historisches Museum Frankfurt am Main. Germany (1987).

Friedländer, J. "Nomenmünzen Domitians" Numismatische Zeitschrift i (1869), 395-396

Gara, Alessandra "Fiscalité et circulation monétaire dans l'Égypte romaine". Fiscalité antique, pp. 43-55

Gara, Alessandra Prosdiagraphomena e circolazione monetaria. Aspetti dell' organizzazione fiscale in rapporto alla politica monetaria dell'Egitto Romano. Milano 1975

Gara, Alessandra and Foraboschi, Danielle "Il rapporto dracma-argento nell'Egitto Romano." Chronique d'Égypte. 50.1976, pp. 169-177

Geissen, Angelo Katalog Alexandrinischer Kaisermünzen der Sammlung des Instituts für Altertumskunde der Universität zu Köln.
Band 1: Augustus - Trajan (1-740). Opladen 1974.
Band 2: Hadrian - Antoninus Pius (741-1994). Opladen 1978.
Band 3: Marc Aurel - Gallienus (1994-3014). Opladen 1982.
Band 4: Claudius Gothicus - Bleimünzen (3015-3627). Opladen 1983. (with Wolfram Weiser)

Geissen, Angelo "Numismatische Bemerkung zu dem Aufstand des L. Domitius Domitianus." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 22 (1976), 280-286

Grenfell, Bernard and Hunt, Arthur and Hogarth, David (eds.): Fayûm Towns and Their Papyri. (Egypt Exploration Fund. Graeco-Roman Branch. Memoirs 3). London 1900.

Grose, W. Fitzwilliam Museum. Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins III, Cambridge 1929.

Haatvedt, Rolfe A. and Peterson, Enoch E. Coins from Karanis. (The University of Michigan Excavations. 1924-1935, edited by Elinor M. Husselman). Ann Arbor 1964.

Hackens, Tony
"Trésor de tétradrachmes alexandrins de l'époque impériale". Bulletin de correspondance hellénistique 89.1965, pp. 383-389 and pls. 8-9

Handler, Susan "The Architecture of Alexandria in Egypt as Seen on the Bronze Alexandrian Coinage of the Roman Imperial Period". American Journal of Archeology 71.1967, p. 188

Herodotus The Histories, London & Vermont, 1992.

Holm, Anne E. "Litt om de minste alexandrinerne". Meddelelser fra Norsk Numismatisk Forening 1.1984, pp. 4-9

Hübl, Albert Die Münzsammlung des Stiftes Schotten in Wien. Band II. Griechische Münzen. Wien und Leipzig 1920

Jessop, Martin and Trell, Bluma L. Coins and Their Cities. Architecture on the Ancient Coins of Greece, Rome and Palestine, London 1977.

Johnson, Allan Chester Egypt and the Roman Empire. Ann Arbor 1951

Jungfleisch, Marcel
"Note sur les monnaies des nomes égyptiens." Revue Numismatique. 5. ser. 17.1955, pp. 259-278.

Kapossy, Balázs "Zuwachsverzeichnis 1967 und 1968". Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums. 47-48, 1967-1968, pp. 436-440

Kapossy, Balázs "Zuwachsverzeichnis 1969 und 1970". Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums.49-50, 1969-1970, pp. 520-522.

Kapossy, Balázs "Alexandrinische Münzen. Neuerwerbungen des Bernischen Historischen Museum, 1971-1984". Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums. 63-64, 1983-1984, pp. 171-181.

King, C. E. and Walker, D. R. "The Earliest Tiberian Tetradrachms and Roman Monetary Policy towards Egypt". Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 21.1976, pp. 265-269

Kiss, Zsolt Études sur le portrait impériale romain en Égypte. Varsorie 1984

Klose, Dietrich O. A. and Overbeck, Bernard Ägypten zur Römerzeit. München 1989

König, Ingemar Alexandrinische Münzen in der Original- und Abgußsammlung der Universität Trier, Einführung und Katalog. Trier 1988

Kunisz, Andrzej
"Udzial zlotego pieniadza w cyrkulacji na terytorium Egiptu w I-III w. n.e.", WiadomoÑci Numizmatyczne 27.1983, pp. 121-165

Laffanchi, Ludovico "Nota sulla data LHA delle monete alessandrine di Gallieno." Aegyptus 17 (1937), 25-28

Langlois, Victor Numismatique de Nomes d'Égypte sous l'administration romaine. Paris 1852.

Lewis, Naphtali
Life in Egypt under Roman Rule. Oxford 1983

MacDonald, George Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection. III. Glasgow 1905.

Magain, Pierre Monnaies des nomes ou préfectures de l'Égypte. Walcourt (1982)

Maresch, Klaus Nomisma und Nomismatia. Beiträge zur Geldgeschichte Ägyptens im 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Germany 1993

Maresch, Klaus
Bronze und Silber. Papyrologische Beiträge zur Geschichte der Währung im ptolemäischen und römischen Ägypten bis zum 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Germany 1996

Markl, Andreas "Das Provinzialcourant unter Kaiser Claudius II. C. Alexandriner." Numismatische Zeitschrift 32.(1901), 51-72.

Martini, Rodolfo Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum - Italia. Milan Civiche Raccolte Numismatische.
Volume XIII - Aegyptus.
2. Octavianus Augustus - Lucius Verus. Milan 1991
3. Commodus - Galerius. Milan 1992.

Mathiesen, H. E.
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Århus University, Denmark. Munskgaard - Copenhagen, 1986.

Mattingly, Harold "The Reign of Aemilian". Journal of Roman Studies 25.1935, pp. 55-58

Metcalf, William "New and Noteworthy from Roman Alexandria: Pescennius Niger - Diadumenian." From: Greek Numismatics and Archaeology.Essays in Honor of Margaret Thompson. pp.173-182, pls. 19-20. Wetteren, 1979.

Metcalf, William E. "From Greek to Latin Currency in Third-Century Egypt." Mélanges de Numismatique in Honor of Pierre Bastien. edited by H. Huvelin, M. Christol and G. Gautier. Wetteran 1987, 157-168

Mielczarek, M. "Cesarskie monety aleksandryjskie I-III wieku w zbiorach Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Ľodzi". Seria Numizmatyczna i Konserwatorska 5 (1985), pp. 5-20

Milne, Joseph Grafton "The Alexandrian coinage of Augustus." Journal of Egyptian Archeology 13.1927, pp. 135-140

Milne, Joseph Grafton
"The Coins from Oxyrhynchus." Journal of Egyptian Archeology 8. 1922, pp. 158-163

Milne, Joseph Grafton
"Alexandrian tetradrachms of Tiberius." Numismatic Chronicle. 4th Ser. 10.1910, pp. 333-339+plate X

Milne, Joseph Grafton
"The Alexandrian Coinage of Galba." Numismatic Chronicle. 4th Ser. 9.1909, pp. 274-284

Milne, Joseph Grafton "The Leaden Token-coinage of Egypt under the Romans." The Numismatic Chronicle, London, 4th ser.8.1908, pp. 287-310 and pl. XXII.

Milne, Joseph Grafton "The Organization of the Alexandrian Mint in the Reign of Diocletian." Journal of Egyptian Archeology 3 (1910), 207-217.

Milne, Joseph Grafton
"The Alexandrian Coinage of the Eighth Year of Gallienus." Ancient Egypt 4.(1917), 152-161.

Milne, Joseph Grafton
"Some Alexandrian Coins." Journal of Egyptian Archeology 4/1 (1917), 177-186

Milne, Joseph Grafton "The Shops of the Roman Mint of Alexandria." The Journal of Roman Studies, 8.1918, pp. 154-178. London.

Milne, Joseph Grafton
A History of Egypt under Roman Rule. London 1898. Third edition: 1924.

Milne, Joseph Grafton Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins. University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum. Oxford 1933, Oxford 1971 (with supplement by Colin M. Kraay).

Milne, Joseph Grafton
" Pictorial Coin Types at the Roman Mint of Alexandria." Journal of Egyptian Archeology 36 (1950), pp. 83-85

Mionnet, T. E. Déscription de médailles antiques, grecques et romaines. Volume VI. Paris 1813.

Mionnet, T. E.
Déscription de médailles antiques, grecques et romaines. Suppl. Volume IX. Paris 1837.

Müller, L. Fortegnelse over de antikke Mynter i Thorvaldsens. København 1850

Parazzoli, A. "Essai sur l'origine des monnaies des nomes d'Égypte." Revue Numismatique 4/V (1901), 167-173

Parazzoli, A.
"Numismatique alexandrine." Revue Numismatique 4/VII (1903), 252-271

Parker, R. The Calendars of Ancient Egypt. Chicago 1950

Patin, Carlo Imperatorum romanorum Numismata ex aere mediae et minimae formae. Argentinae 1671

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Pellerin, Joseph Recueil de médailles de peuples et de villes que n'ont point encore été publiée, ou qui sont peu connues. III. Paris 1763

Pinock, R.
"The "OCCEB" Alexandrian tetradrachms of Gordian III." The Numismatic Chronicle 158 (1998), pp. 236-249

Poole, Reginald Stuart
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el Rashab, A. M. "Représentations du Nil sur les monnaies romaines". Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Égypte 48.1948, pp. 611-617

Rathbone, Dominic W. "The Dates of Recognition in Egypt of the Emperors from Caracalla to Diocletianus." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 62 (1986), 101-129

Reece, Richard "Analysis of some Early Imperial Alexandrian Tetradrachms". The Numismatic Chronicle 7th ser.9.1969, pp. 317-318

Rémondon, Roger "La Révolt de Domitius Domitianus et de le voyage en Égypte de Dioclétian d'après le témoignage des papyrus et des ostracas." Revue des Études Grecques 79 (1966), ix-x

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Rougé, Jacques
de Géographie ancienne de La Basse-Égypte. Paris 1891

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von Sallet, Alfred Die Daten der Alexandrinischer Kaisermünzen. Berlin 1870.

von Sallet, Alfred "Alexandriner des Pescennius Niger und Gordian III mid rätselhafter Aufschrift", Zeitschrift für Numismatik 2 (1875), 249- 251

von Sallet, Alfred
"Alexandriner der Plautilla", Zeitschrift für Numismatik 4.1876, 147-149

Sanclementius, Henricus Musei Sanclementiani Numismata selecta Regum, Populorum et Urbium, praecipue Imperatorum romanorum graeca, aegyptiaca et coloniarum illustrata, libri III, cum figuris, addito de epochis libro quarto. Romae 1808-1809

San Quintino, Giulio di Descrizione delle Medaglie imperiali alessandrine inedite del regio Museo Egiziano di Torino. Torino 1824

San Quintino, Guilio
di Descrizione delle Medaglie dei Nomi, ossia delle antiche province e città dell'Egitto, che si conservano nel regio Museo di Torino. Torino 1824

Savio, Adrian
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Schwartz, Jacques
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Segrè, Angelo Metrologia e circolazione monetaria degli antichi. Bologna 1928

Sestini, Domenico
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Vaillant, Jean-Foy
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West, Louis C. and Johnson, Allan Chester : Currency in Roman and Byzantine Egypt. Princeton and London 1944.

Zöega, Georgius Numi Aegypti imperatorii prostantes in museo Borgiano. Romae 1787.

Auction Catalogues and Price Lists

Monnaies anciennes et modernes. Provenant de collections privées. Vente aux enchères publique 7. Auktion 7. 7-8 Juni 1977. Auctiones A.G. Basel

Harlan J. Berk: 65th Buy or Bid Sale. Feb. 26, 1991. Chicago

Harlan J. Berk:
68th Buy or Bid Sale. Nov. 13, 1991. Chicago

Harlan J. Berk: 75th Buy or Bid Sale. Jan. 28, 1993. Chicago

Harlan J. Berk:
87th Buy or Bid Sale. Sept. 13, 1995. Chicago

Harlan J. Berk: 91st Buy or Bid Sale. June 25, 1996. Chicago

Classical Numismatic Auctions. Classical Coins. Public Auction Sale II. Auction II, Ltd. Nov. 7, 1987. Quarryville.

Classical Numismatic Auctions.
A Mail Bid Auction Sale of Classical Coins. Auction IV, Ltd. Sept. 21, 1988. Quarryville.

Classical Numismatic Auctions. Auction VI. Classical Numismatic Auctions, Ltd. Jan. 3, 1989. New York.

Classical Numismatic Auctions, Ltd., A Mail Bid Auction Sale of Classical Coins. Featuring Bronzes from the Kerry Keith Weiterstrom Collection (Part 1). Auction XII. Sept. 26, 1990. Quarryville - Beverly Hills.

Classical Numismatic Auctions, Ltd., Auction XIII. Dec. 4, 1990. New York.

Classical Numismatic Auctions, Ltd., Mail Bid Auction XIV. Mar. 20, 1991.
Quarryville - Beverly Hills.

Classical Numismatic Auctions, Inc. Public Auction Sale XXI. June 26, 1992. Quarryville - London.

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.
; Mail Bid Auction Sale XXII. Sept. 2, 1992. Quarryville - London.

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.; Mail Bid Auction Sale XXIX. Mar. 30, 1994. Lancaster - London.

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.
; Public and Mail Bid Auction Sale XXXI. Sept. 9-10, 1994. Boston.

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.
; Mail Bid Sale 41. Mar. 19, 1997. Lancaster - London.

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.; Auction Sale 43. Sept. 24, 1997. Lancaster - London.

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.; Auction Sale 50. June 23, 1999. Lancaster - London.

Classical Numismatic Review.
Volume XVI No. 1. 1991 First Quarter. Quarryville - Beverly Hills.

A. G. van der Dussen.
Veiling 22. 17-18 Nov. 1994. Maastricht

A. G. van der Dussen. Veiling 23. 6-7 Apr. 1995. Maastricht

A. G. van der Dussen. Veiling 24. 1-2 Juni 1995. Maastricht

The Coinage of Roman Egypt. A Postal Bid Auction. Empire Coins, May 30, 1984. Holly Hill.

Empire Coins Public Auction #7. May 2, 1987. New York.

Empire Coins. The Winter 1987 Sale. A Postal and Phone Bid Auction #8. Dec. 7, 1987. Holly Hill.

Harmer Rook Numismatics: The Hoffer-Brandenburg Sale. Featuring the coins of Hadrian and coins of Germany. 12-13 Dec. 1986, New York.

Karel de Geus. Munten Handel. Veiling 10. Oktober 16-17, 2000

Sotheby Sale.
Catalogue of the Collection of Coins formed by the Late Marcel Jungfleisch. Part II. London, 9th March 1972.

The Thomas Ollive Mabbott Collection. Part One. Coins of the Greek World. Hans M. F. Schulman. New York, June 6,7,9,10,11, 1969.

A. G. Malloy
Mail Bid Sale XIV. John Aiello Collection of Roman Egyptian Coins. South Salem, July 2, 1979.

A. G. Malloy
Mail Bid Only Sale Featuring the Local Coinages of the Roman Empire. Auction XXIII. South Salem, Oct. 30, 1987.

A. G. Malloy Auction Sale XXVII. South Salem, Mar. 17, 1989.

A. G. Malloy Auction Sale XXXIII. South Salem, June 19, 1992.

Joel L. Malter and Co., Inc., Auction II. 23-24 Feb. 1978. Beverly Hills.

Münzhandlung Basel Vente
publique No. 6. Monnaies Alexandrines, Monnaies
Romaines et Byzantines d'or et d'argent. Basel 18 Mars 1936.

Münzen und Medaillen, A.G., Auktion 41. Basel 18-19 Juli 1970.

Münzen und Medaillen Auktion, Gerhard Hirsch Numismatiker, Auktion 51. München 14-17 Märs 1967.

Münz Zentrum Auktion #52. Agyptische Münzen. Köln, 12 Nov. 1984.

Münz Zentrum
Auktion #73. Köln, 22-24 April 1992.

Numismatic Fine Arts. Fall Mail Bid Sale 1990. Beverly Hills, Oct. 18, 1990.

Bank Leu & Co., A.G. and Münzen und Medaillen, A.G., Sammlung Walter Niggeler. 2. Teil. Basel 21-22 Oktober 1966.

Olympus Coins & Collectibles. Catalogue Number 5. Winter 1982/83. Lincoln.


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